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08/04/20 07:20 PM #130    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

My good friend and current social studies teacher at Marin Catholic, Tom Thompson, wrote this piece for the IJ back in the day, It pays tribute to 2 teachers and a counselor at TLHS who were retiring. 


Marin Independent Journal,

Marin Voice June 20, 2001

Thomas A. Thompson


In 1974 I began my first year of teaching at Terra Linda High School, a time enriched by the opportunity to work with experienced teachers who influenced me a great deal with their advice and by their example. This year, sadly, the very last of that group are leaving the profession to which they have brought so much. Barry Amsden, Pat Skinner and Pete Paolino, very much part of the fabric of TLHS, its identity and tradition, will be missed.

As his assistant coach, I remember well Barry Amsden’s remarkable ability to enthuse and encourage each member of the track team to reach for his or her personal bests. With stopwatch in hand, he would often sprint joyfully alongside a young runner during his or her final stretch down the track. From Barry I learned the value and reward of coaching kids whether in athletics or other extra-curricular activities.

Throughout the years, Barry Amsden has maintained his bounding energy and enthusiasm for kids and their achievements. His positive spirit has animated the students he has taught, the athletes he has coached and all the many colleagues with whom he has worked. They will miss his generosity, his knowledge of Terra Linda High’s history, his stories and even his jokes.

As a first-year English teacher, I remember passing Pat Skinner’s room hours after the final bell and  seeing him sitting behind his desk painstakingly correcting his students’ essays. From Mr. Skinner I learned the worth of inviting students to exceed their own expectations.

Mr. Skinner’s classes have been a rite of passage at Terra Linda. The most demanding of teachers, he has consistently pushed his students to read challenging works of literature and to think and write with clarity, coherence and correctness. Always, he insisted on providing students with an enriching intellectual experience, one that reverberates, that is appreciated even more in retrospect.

And I remember Peter Paolino’s consistent patience and kindness in counseling or comforting students who were having a difficult time emotionally, socially or academically. As a first-year teacher, I learned from my dealings with Peter an appreciation of the complexity of the individuals in my classroom.

In his nearly 40 years of service, Mr. Paolino has been a competent and compassionate advocate for several thousand kids in helping them make a more successful transition through adolescence and the various demands of high-school life.

Other excellent teachers with more than 25 years of experience — Bill Costello, Bill Monti, Bret Tovani, Dave Wylie, Dolores Pena and Monika Nimeh of San Rafael High — are retiring this year.

As are many others who have been teaching since before 1970— Bill Allen, Peter Schmidt, Lorraine Coppola, Justin Kielty, Lala Zuniga-Briggs of Davidson I Middle School; Jan Armour, Mary Breeze and Pat Geiger of Glenwood Schdol; Barb Dittman, Gay Leonardi and Doug Taylor of San Pedro School; and Marcia McQuillan and Linda Newton of Gallinas SchooL They deserves kudos, as do others like them in other school districts.

What make their deserving tributes a bit sadder this year is a growing awareness that having people in our schools with their tenure of experience may be a thing of the past, that schools in Marin may be losing the real benefit of such teachers who were able to dedicate their entire careers to particular school communities.

The cost of housing in Mann and its corollary, the long commute, may make teachers who make their careers here members of a vanishing species. And that, indeed, is very sad.

Thomas A. Thompson is a teacher at Mann Catholic High School and is a member of the San Rafael City School Board.

08/05/20 11:30 AM #131    

Susannah Griffin (Perri)

What a great article he wrote, and so true about losing that generation of teachers. I guess they are all gone or long retired by now. Thank you for posting this, Blair. 

08/30/20 05:36 PM #132    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

Sam G. Wilcox

The world lost one of the good ones this year. Samuel Graves Wilcox was born April 9, 1940, in Georgetown, Texas. He died May 11, 2020, in Newport, Oregon. He was predeceased by his husband and partner of 58 years, Edwin Learmont Bedford in 2016; and by his native-Texan parents, Samuel Easley Wilcox, Jr. and Dorothy Blanch Brown; and his sister, Alice Murphy Wilcox Elsey. The Wilcox family was well-established in Georgetown, dating back to the 1800's. Sam was named for his uncle, Harry N. Graves, who became city attorney, county attorney, Representative in the Texas legislature, and later Judge on the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Mr. Graves helped prosecute the Ku Klux Klan in a landmark case and, while State Representative, wrote the bill establishing the Texas Highway Patrol. The Wilcox family moved to Abilene in 1957, where Sam spent his senior year, graduating from Abilene High School in 1958. He hit the road with vim and vigor right away and headed to Mexico, graduating from University of Texas in 1962 with dual bachelor degrees in philosophy and psychology. Sam was a Fulbright Scholar in 1963. Sam and Ed spent the bulk of their teaching and influential leadership and mentorship years in the San Rafael School District in Marin County, California. Sam taught philosophy, history, sociology, psychology and peer counseling in San Rafael. After more graduate school and a masters in Cognitive Psychology, he became a licensed psychotherapist and credentialed counselor. Funny, joyful, and optimistic, Sam worked as a counselor at Terra Linda High School for 10 years and is warmly remembered by colleagues and previous students alike. Sam and Ed enjoyed traveling the world and the great American West with a special affection for road travel, camping, and in their retirement years added a recreational vehicle so they could travel with their beloved English Bulldogs. Sam Wilcox would be sending great affection and moral support to teachers: teaching, leading and influencing during these times!

Photo of Sam Wilcox below


08/30/20 05:40 PM #133    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

08/31/20 11:21 AM #134    


Ann Marie Mangini (Winkle)

thank you for posting this blair. i remember mr. wilcox always having a twinkle in his eye. he was tall and slender, as i recall. a good man, indeed. it warms my heart to read that he and my favorite history teacher, mr. bedford, were partners in life & now in heaven. what a good life they must have had. god bless them both.

08/31/20 01:30 PM #135    

Cecilia Cawley (Cawley-Redman)

Dear Blair, Thank you so very much for posting this news. Sam Wilcox was my very favorite teacher. He inspired me! Even I, a bratty kid, earned an A! Delighted that Sam Wilcox and Ed Bedford were lifetime partners! Vaya con Dios!      

08/31/20 02:37 PM #136    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

Do you remember that Sam Wilcox was our class moderator all 4 years? He was my sophmore  history teacher during second semester when I left Mr. Frank Wells' class.  I also had Sam for Sociology during my senior year.. I think the  year 1965 was his very first year teaching at TLHS. We were 15 years old and he was 25 years old! I can still see him and hear his laugh. As one of the rah rah kids who did all the class activities, he spent a lot of time with us and I know he enjoyed all of his students;  The feeling was definitely mutual.  I agree with you, Cecilia and Ann Marie, that Ed Bedford was a great teacher too.  I was lucky enough to have him  as my freshman history teacher.  I'm  very happy that Sam and Ed had a good life together. So deserved, A very nice and well written obituary. So appropriate for a truly fine individual and a favorite of so many in our class. RIP Sam and Ed

08/31/20 03:19 PM #137    

Susannah Griffin (Perri)

I remember Mr. Wilcox, but only seeing him in the hallways. He was cheerful, friendly and even cool in his own way. I always wished I had a class with him, but I didn't. I'm so glad he and Mr. Bedford had a good life together.

09/01/20 12:32 PM #138    


Ronald Russell

So sad to see SW's gone. I clearly remember him. Had the nicest southern accent. I seem to recall he drove an old VW Beetle to school. Very amiable, animated, and enjoyed his teaching job. All-around good guy.

09/01/20 05:33 PM #139    

Donna Bosch (Carlone)

So sad to hear about Sam Wilcox.  I had him for history.  He was very funny.  Always telling us stories.  He was one of my favorite teachers.  Rest in Peace, Mr. Wilcox!

09/01/20 11:22 PM #140    


Ralph Parker

Sam, as some of us referred to him, was my favorite teacher at TL.  Blair and I were in his first period US History class Junior year. I met lifelong friends Marv Rubin and Phil Moser in that class. Sam always kept the class entertained along with being an excellent teacher.  Two episodes remain in my memory after all these years:

Sam hears a ridiculous song: Sam would stand at the door waiting for the 8:15 am start of the school day bell, firmly closing the door when the bell rang to let us know it was time to quiet down and pay attention.  He would saunter over to his desk and usually start the day with a clever or humorous remark or story. One day toward the end of our Junior year he told us “I just heard the most ridiculous song on the radio, some guy is singing when you come to San Francisco you need to wear flowers in your hair!”   He was referring to Scott McKenzie’s song San FranciscoIf you’re going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair.” (reached number six on the KFRC Big 30, May 31, 1967).  Sam did not know it at the time, but he had foretold the Summer of Love!

Sam dances around in front of the class:  Every morning before class the hallway outside room 402 was jammed with misbehaving raucous freshmen.  One morning Sam had enough!  After slamming the door shut, he strolled to the blackboard asking the class “Do you guys know what a Trollop is?”  Writing on the board with his customary broad strokes he emphatically scribed TROLLOP, underlining it twice!  Very animated, he explained that a Trollop is a person who acts in a slovenly or disrespectful manner (that is what I remember him saying, Webster’s definition is much stronger).  He continued, “these Freshmen are behaving like a bunch of Trollops!”  Then to everyone’s stunned chagrin Sam pulled one of his trouser legs up to his knee and pushed his sportscoat down over one shoulder; and while dancing and gyrating around in front of the whole class he proclaimed “they’re just a bunch of Trollops, trolloping and trolloping around.”  Our stunned silence soon turned to hilarious laughter.  Classic Sam!

I last saw Sam sometime in the early nineties visiting him at Kaiser TL when he was recovering from minor surgery.  He was in great spirits, had hardly changed, and soon fully recovered.  Mr. Bedford, another favorite, was my sophomore year World History teacher. I last saw Ed in the classical music section at Tower Records in San Francisco in the mid-eighties.  Years later work and vacations took me through Newport Oregon several times during the years Sam and Ed lived there.  How I wish I knew they were there as it would have been so special to have visited them.

09/12/20 11:37 PM #141    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

I am so sad to report that Carey Brink lost her house in the Almeda Fire that devastated her beloved community  of Talent, Oregon. She and Todd are safe and were able to get out with both vehicles and some belongings. They are  currently living in some temporary housing provided by Southern Oregon University. Carey is very grateful for all the love and support of her family and friends during this very trying time.  You all might remember that Melinda Holloman and Diana Deen lost their homes to wildfire a few years ago. Melinda's home was in Redwood Valley, CA and Diana's home was in Paradise, CA. Let's hope nobody else in our class loses their home to fire. Such a scary and very sad event in any person's life. 

09/13/20 07:00 PM #142    

Susannah Griffin (Perri)

I am so sad to hear that Carey lost her home. It's so important that she has family and friends for support. This devastion is incomprehensible. Please give her my best wishes. 

09/14/20 08:22 PM #143    

Anna Schardt (Shimada)

I am sad to hear that Carey and her husband lost their home to fire but thankful that they both got out safely. Glad to hear that they have family to help them.  ❤️

09/16/20 12:18 PM #144    

Cecilia Cawley (Cawley-Redman)

broken heartVery sad and tragic news that Carey Brink lost her house. crying Thank God they are safe and have support.

My great fear is that fire danger it will continue to get worse until action is taken as respects Climate Change. I am a commercial claims advocate, Climate change is definitely real. Very sorry Diana and Melinda lost homes to wildfire too. I was not aware. sad 

01/11/21 01:42 PM #145    

Jann Lane

with a great sadness, I learned on Friday morning, January 8th, that a dear friend and mentor, Rick Bayba, former Terra Linda High School teacher, passed away peacefully the night before. 

01/11/21 04:42 PM #146    

Linda Freitas (Kendall)

He was my favorite teacher. Rest In Peace Mr. Bayba.

01/12/21 12:22 AM #147    

Susannah Griffin (Perri)

It breaks my heart to hear of the loss of Rick Bayba. He was a one-of-a-kind teacher and I am so happy that I had the chance to tell him that in 2011 at TL's 50th birthday party. I was so happy that he remembered me and I have a lovely picture of the two of us that my husband took--that I can't find! (I'll keep searching for it). Mr. Bayba organized a field trip to Castlemont High School for our Social Studies class in 1967. Castlemont was a primarily black school that had rioted the year before and was trying to heal. Each one of us in class was paired with a student from Castlemont who hosted us, gave us a tour of the school, ate lunch with us and talked to us about the differences in our lives as white and black young people. I wish I had kept in touch with the girl who hosted me. It is an indelible memory in my heart and mind. He was vibrant and still handsome as ever when I spent some time talking to him in 2011. Rest in peace, Mr. Bayba, you left a legacy!

01/12/21 07:40 PM #148    


Paul Ennis -Class Of '69

R.I.P. - Rick Bayba

March 22, 1937 - January 7, 2021

He was:

  • one of my/our favorite teachers
  • one of my/our favorite coaches
  • someone who made us 'think for ourselves'
  • a strong personality who walked the halls of TLHS for many, many years - guiding, cajoling, teasing, challenging, smiling...

Our world is less bright, but more real.

He is at peace. He is safe and free. He will be missed.

Thanks 'TomCat' for all you provided us with during some very tumultuous times.

 - Paul Ennis - TLHS Class of 1969


02/05/21 02:01 PM #149    


Bruce Stone

Not sure if this is right place to ask this but am looking for anyone who knew Sharyn Wong class of 1971 and perhaps how to get a hold of her. I haven't been on this site in a long time but will check back more often now that I am retired and a little more computer literate. Thanks and my whish to all be safe.

01/11/22 07:28 PM #150    


Jeanne Dawson (Gonzales)

It is with a heavy heart to say that my cousin Don Orsow, class of 67, passed away January 2, 2022. His broth Ken Orsow was in the class of 69. We were a tight family of cousins and Don was the prankster of the family and will be sorely missed. Don ran the Don's Trees for many years in San Rafael and Novato. He is now at peace and with his son Tyler.

02/01/22 09:41 AM #151    


Bruce Stone

A person with a beard

Description automatically generated with low confidence    

Bruce Allan Stone, age 71, passed on January 14, 2022, at his home in Cave Junction, Oregon with loving family and friends at his side.  Born on January 23, 1950, in San Rafael, CA. He is survived by his wife Gail Engberg Stone of Cave Junction OR, his son and daughter-in-law Matthew and Finessa Stone of Cave Junction Oregon, his stepson Richard Preston Hibbard of Grants Pass Oregon, and his sisters Sandy Sigmon (George) of North, South Carolina and Marcy Shone (Rocky) from Nicasio ,CA and loving grandchildren, nieces and nephews.  He was predeceased by his father, Robert E. Stone and mother, Verna J. Stone.

After graduation from Terra Linda High School in 1969 Bruce enlisted in the US Navy.  He served in Photo Intelligence and as a courier during the Vietnam War.  He received an honorable discharge as a conscientious objector on September 3,1971.   After his discharge from the Navy Bruce struggled with PTSD and drug addiction.  A lifetime artist, Bruce pursued art education at various colleges on the east and west coast and ultimately earned a Master of Fine Arts Degree with a focus in ceramics.  Bruce was a self-employed multimedia artist his entire adult life. 

 In the 1980’s Bruce lived in North San Francisco Bay area and participated in the Renaissance Pleasure Faires and Dickens Christmas Fairs as a craft person. In the early 1990’s he met and worked with his future wife, Gail Engberg, on the faire production crew. He continued to pursue his art education and completed a digital arts degree while in sobriety and offered his photo shop services to the community for posters and websites.  

 Bruce and Gail were married on July 17,1995 in Takilma Oregon, and established residence in Cave Junction, OR on 6.7 acres of undeveloped land on Hayes Cut Off Road. Together with their two boys they homesteaded the acreage living in a single wide mobile home and in 2004 moved into the home they built on their property.  Bruce and Gail got involved in the local recovery community and Bruce was proud of his last 21 years of sobriety. Bruce sponsored many men and faithfully answered the hotline for Alcoholic Anonymous.  Bruce was a volunteer board member from 2003 to 2006 for Grants Pass Spiritual Living Center. 

  Bruce was also active in the Illinois River Valley Arts Council (IRVAC), Art walk, and the Southern Oregon Guild. He was a member of Southern Oregon Guild and a guiding light for Illinois River Valley Arts Council (IRVAC) for many years. Since the inception of 2nd Friday Artwalk, his accomplishments ranged from welding the metal ArtWalk signs to being honored as the event's Featured Artist. He designed the metal waves on A group of people posing for a photo in front of a building

Description automatically generated with medium confidencethe Cave Junction City Hall fish sculpture and was IRVAC's longtime event photographer, graphic designer and webmaster.  In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in his name to IRVAC, PO Box 522, CaveJunction , OR,97523. 


Bruce Stone’s memorial celebration of life will be held April 3, 2022 at an outdoor and catered party at his home, as he requested. We will plant a fig tree in his name. For more information and to RSVP contact Gail Stone at .





02/01/22 09:42 AM #152    


Bruce Stone


Bruce Allan Stone, age 71, passed on January 14, 2022, at his home in Cave Junction, Oregon with loving family and friends at his side.  Born on January 23, 1950, in San Rafael, CA. He is survived by his wife Gail Engberg Stone of Cave Junction OR, his son and daughter-in-law Matthew and Finessa Stone of Cave Junction Oregon, his stepson Richard Preston Hibbard of Grants Pass Oregon, and his sisters Sandy Sigmon (George) of North, South Carolina and Marcy Shone (Rocky) from Nicasio ,CA and loving grandchildren, nieces and nephews.  He was predeceased by his father, Robert E. Stone and mother, Verna J. Stone.

Bruce Stone’s memorial celebration of life will be held April 3, 2022 at an outdoor and catered party at his home, as he requested. We will plant a fig tree in his name. For more information and to RSVP contact Gail Stone at .


08/31/24 11:47 AM #153    


Paul Ennis -Class Of '69

Good Day Class of 1968 Friends,
Quick question: Do any of you remember any stories, or have pictures, of the famous (or infamous depending upon your interest in sports @ TLHS) Varsity football game played each year against the San Rafael High School Bulldogs otherwise known as the 'Bell Game'?
I have been contacted by a journalism student @ TLHS who is doing some research on the history of the 'Bell Game' and so I am reaching out on her behalf to see if I can uncover any info that would be helpful to her reporting.
I guess these days this 'Bell Game' is a BIG DEAL - as it has been since circa 1962! (It will be played this year on Friday, November 8th, 2024 @ SRHS)
I found this picture in my 1968 yearbook (TLHS won the game that year) and I will be scanning it and sending it in as my contribution.
If you have any stories, pictures, or memories - pro or con - please send them to me here:
I will forward along anything I receive to the student reporter I am working with and let her do with it what she may.
Thanks in advance...
Paul Ennis
TLHS Class of 1969 Website Administrator

02/02/25 10:54 PM #154    


Paul Ennis -Class Of '69

Hello TLHS Class of 1968,
Please let me introduce you to fellow TLHS Alumnus (Class of 1975) Robert J. Roth who has composed a gorgeous musical composition entitled:
A Symphonic Poem for Violin and Orchestra - Opus 18
A Brief Bio:
American artist and composer, Robert J. Roth, was born 1957 in Bloomington, Illinois and raised in Marinwood, Marin County, California. He began painting, as well as writing and composing music during his high school years at Terra Linda High School (Class of 1975). Robert worked with the Marin Youth Orchestra in 1975 under the direction of Hugo Rinaldi, the Santa Clara Youth Orchestra in 1977 under the direction of George Champion, and with the Reno Philharmonic Orchestra in 1980 under the direction of Ron Daniels. He is now retired and turning once again to his true passions of art and music creation.
In his own words:
My "Marinwood" - Symphonic Poem, is a tribute to my youth growing up in the 1960's and 1970's in Marinwood, Marin County, California. It celebrates my memories of play, dreams, hopes, trials, and the love of family and friends. It’s a musical impression not only of the beautiful scenery, woods and streams, but also the quality of sunlight, fog, wind and rain at play in amongst the emerald-green hills of early spring and the golden-brown hills of summer. In addition, it is filled with sound portraits of many childhood memories including:
  • The schools, Northgate malls, popular TV shows and movies of those times;
  • Daydreams and fantasies I enjoyed walking the fire roads and exploring the deer trails along Miller Creek and Blackstone Canyon Creek where we used to chase and catch water skeeters, polliwogs and newts, while role-playing Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett;
  • The ever-present, yet distant sounds of Highway 101 at night;
  • And, the gleeful shouted exuberance accompanying my sliding down brown/dry hillsides on flattened cardboard boxes in mid-Summer. - Robert J. Roth
You can listen to the entire Marinwood Symphony on YouTube through this playlist link
You can also subscribe to Robert's YouTube channel and listen to more of his musical compositions here:
This is a lovely piece of music created by a very special individual to honor the beauty and power of Marinwood - our unique and memorable childhood hometown/region.
I hope you enjoy his work as much as I do.
Thanks for listening...
Paul Ennis
Website Admin - TLHS Class of 1969


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