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04/29/18 06:08 PM #105    


Dave Ganapoler


We missed you!! Ahhh...but Paris!! Enjoy your trip!! 


04/29/18 06:11 PM #106    


Dave Ganapoler

A BIG shout out to everyone on the planning committee:

You guys did a great job putting our party together!

❤️THANK YOU❤️ for all your time and effort!!



04/30/18 11:04 AM #107    


Phil Moser



Hi everyone,

I just wanted to thank the reunion committee for putting together such a great party Sat. night. We enjoyed ourselves and got to see some old friends that I haven't seen since the 20th.


04/30/18 11:53 AM #108    


Randy Eames (Clark)

I also want to thank the reunion committee. It was a wonderful party. So much fun to see people with whom I had not connected in many years. Thank you for all your hard work. You did great!

04/30/18 12:23 PM #109    

Denise Davis (Gilseth)

Blair and the rest of the committee,  A BIG THANKYOU for finding, organizing and getting people to attend.  Great to see my old Loma Verde/Country Club posse!   Best wishes to everyone for a happy and healthy life.

Harry Finnerty, we missed you!  devil

04/30/18 04:08 PM #110    


Mary Ellen Goepp (Toll)

To all of you on “the committee “,


Thank you all for organizing such a wonderful 50 th reunion.  Your hard work was  evident  throughout the entire evening.  I was impressed with the turnout.  I enjoyed seeing and talking with everyone.  What a great class and great time to share with all.  Thank you  .

04/30/18 07:10 PM #111    


Ann Marie Mangini (Winkle)

everyone hello,

wow! what a fantastic party the reunion was! the hard working committee outdid themselves this time and it showed. it was wonderful to recognize classmates from years ago and be so warmly welcomed by them all. special people all of you. fondly, ann marie

04/30/18 09:30 PM #112    


Janis Giambastini (Keel)

It was indeed a fun party!  
And fun to be on the planning committee as well.  So great to see all of you too.  It was a great turn out!

05/01/18 10:39 AM #113    

Anna Schardt (Shimada)


Want to thank all the reunion committee for taking their time to plan a wonderful reunion. You all did a great job. 

Thank you very much

Anna Schardt

05/01/18 03:05 PM #114    

Trudy Emmons (Gadow)

Thanks everyone in the reunion committee! It was such a well planned, nice party !! A special thank you to Mark Endicott who made sure I went !  I had been planning a trip, but he bought my ticket to make sure I was going, and I'm glad I did. I wish I circulated more and got to visit with more people. It's so nice to see everyone !!!


05/01/18 04:41 PM #115    


Louise Jacobs (DeValk)

To all the Committee members who were on the 50th class reunion event. A BIG heartfelt THANK YOU for all your organization and time you spent to make the evening so memorable.  To all our classmates whom all attended and were  their to welcome all of us with open arms.  What a wonderful group of people you are, so filled with the joys and happiness of life.  To the classmates whom were not there, you surely were missed. This was a beautiful and memorable evening filled with many wonderful conversations, laughter and smiles. Thanks to you all.

Peace and Love,  Louise









05/01/18 07:23 PM #116    


Nancy Brokaw (Piantanida)

Thank you to the committee and all their efforts to make this special event possible.  I hadn't been to a reunion since the 20th and it was wonderful to see so many faces from childhood through high school.  Looking at the names who have already posted - I realize that I didn't get around to see everyone and I'm sorry to have missed out.  Oh well - I'll see you at the 60th - Yikes!

05/02/18 09:06 PM #117    

Dave Hebel

Class of 68...  Great to see all of you on Saturday evening.  I have a favor to ask..  I'm looking for anyone that has a photo of the kindergarten class from 1954-55 from either Las Gallinas elementary or Santa Venitia elementary ( I believe it was the school across from the Jewish Community Center ).  A few reunions back Ken Dukes had told me that a young lady that went to kindergarten with he and I was bringing the photo.  Well, unfortunately Ken passed away just prior to the reunion.  So, any help is greatly appreciated.  Dave


05/02/18 11:10 PM #118    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)


Gallinas School did not open until 1960 for the 2nd semester. I was in the first 4th grade there.I think you are talking about Santa Venetia School which was K-8 through the 1958-59 school year. I went to 2nd and 3rd grade at Santa Veneta. I told you that Maryellen Goepp might have been in your K class. Did you find her? Maybe Dave Raffi,  Laure Mandin or Bob Kirby too. Good luck finding the picture Dave! Blair

05/03/18 09:56 AM #119    


Mary Ellen Goepp (Toll)

I found my kindergarten  class picture but it looks like I went to Hartzell.   I’m sure someone has the picture stashed somewhere in a box in their garage.  Good luck.  

05/03/18 06:33 PM #120    

Caroline Nyhus (Ellison)

A belated but heartfelt THANK YOU to all the hard-working members of the reunion committee.  You did a wonderful job: the venue was great, the food was great, and all the little details were beautifully carried out.  As always, it was so much fun to reconnect with everyone.  Really looking forward to the next reunion!  Caroline (Nyhus) Ellison

11/19/18 06:31 PM #121    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

I am so sorry to report that Diana Deen (Toci) recently lost her home in the very terrible Camp fire in Butte County. Thankfully, Diana, her husbabd, Bill, and her 94 year old father escaped unharmed. This has been an unbearingly tough year for our friend and fellow classmate who lost both her her mother and her home this year. 

11/20/18 11:29 AM #122    

Susannah Griffin (Perri)

What a terrible heartbreak. My heart is with Diana and her family, along with my wishes that they are able to rebuild their lives soon. This is all such a horrific nightmare.

11/20/18 01:41 PM #123    

Carla Hanson (Edwards)

Devistating news about Diana Deen loosing her house in the Camp Fire. And, to have lost two family members earlier in the year, also. My empathy and sympathy go out to you, Diana, and to your family. May your recovery be somooth and non-eventful. from Carla Hanson Edwards



11/20/18 03:32 PM #124    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

Diana messaged me today that she and her family leased a house in Nevada City and are moving in today. At least now she will not have to look out her window and see all the suffering and destruction in Butte County. 

11/21/18 10:07 AM #125    


Mary Ellen Goepp (Toll)


I’m so sorry to hear of the loss of your home .  The devastation of the town is horrific.  So many lives lost and so many families and businesses affected.  I’m happy to hear that your family is safe and that you have found a place to live.  My thoughts and prayers are with you as you begin again. 


11/22/18 01:11 PM #126    

Stephen Reese

Any TLHS1968 fund raising going on for Camp Fire?



03/04/19 11:39 PM #127    


Ralph Parker

On Saturday April 6 there will be a Celebration of Life for our TL 68 classmate Paul Taylor, who passed away last October.  Everyone is welcome to attend - Saturday, April 6, 2019, 1-4 pm, at Sally Tomatoes In Rohnert Park. Please RSVP to


08/17/19 10:22 AM #128    


Rick Edwards

Wishing "The Girls" a beautiful, fun, loving birthday this month.  Blair, Carey, and Melinda will always be a positive image in my heart. 

Enjoy your day to the Max.



07/17/20 01:58 PM #129    


Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)

Does anyone in the class know Ken Murray's older sister, Colleen? I received an email yesterday to this site from a friend of Ken's and his sister:

" I was a friend of Ken Murray. I'm looking for his sister, Colleen, and have no way of contacting her. I have photos which may be items his sister may want. I realize this may be a longshot, butI thought I would try. I knew Ken in the early 70's in Saly Lake City when he worked for his brother in law, and Ken was a very close friend to my brother, Reid Davis.  Thank you for your time, Carolyn Davis Southard

I can put you in touch with Carolyn if you can help her with contact info for Colleen Murray. Just message me on this site. Thanks, friends!

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