Terra Linda High School
Class Of 1968

We were hoping to have a Turning Seventy event this summer, but alas all that has happened is we already are or soon will be seventy. So maybe Summer of 2021 we can have a picnic or similar daytime activity. Classmates’ ideas and suggestions are welcomed, see instructions below for contacting the Committee.
The TLHS Class of 1970 50th Reunion will be August 13 and 14, 2021. Class website: www.tlhs1970.org
Website Hints:
First Website Visit: On this Home Page, in the top left-side menu select FIRST WEBSITE VISIT, then follow the instructions for establishing your Personal Profile (on-line account). Once you have established your Personal Profile and password, you can use the seven MEMBER FUNCTIONS displayed on the left-side menu of the Home Page; classmates use these functions to manage their password protected website experience:
- Class Connection: select to log into Facebook
- Notify Me: Provides a convenient way of keeping up with what's happening on the site by email. Select the options (Immediately, Once Daily, or Never) you prefer for various email notifications.
- Message Center: Classmates can compose and send personal messages to other classmates. Also provides a history of previous messages. Inbox and Outbox views can be selected along with other viewing and deletion options.
- Edit Contact Info: Select to edit your contact information.
- Edit Profile: Select to edit your personal Classmate Profile. This is the screen is visible to other Classmates who have used their password to log in to the website.
- Change Password: Select to enter a new password. You must be able to log-in with your existing password to use this function. If you are unable to log-in please notify your Committee per the instructions below. It may take several days before one of our three webmasters is able to get back to you.
- Log Out: Selecting this button automatically logs you out.
Message Forum: By selecting MESSAGE FORUM at the top of the Home Page, classmates can compose and send a group message to all classmates who have elected to receive notification of new messages (see Notify Me above). You must be logged in to compose and send a group message.
If you need to contact the Committee select Contact Us at the top of this Home Page and type your subject and message in the space provided, then click on send.
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