In Memory

Diane Vial

Diane Vial

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01/04/09 03:07 AM #1    

Marghie Goff

Diane died of cancer in the spring on 2003. She was living in Lucas Valley with her husband, Ron Golden, and her two children, Mairi and Jake.
Diane was my best friend from 4th grade into high school and a treasured friend all her life. Through Brownies, Girl Scouts,and innumerable days and nights, we played endlessly--making up plays from fairy tales or just giggling about everything and nothing. We discovered dozens, or was it hundreds, of authors and books, and we shared with each other our strong opinions about everything. We stretched each other in some areas and comforted each other in others. We both felt more self-confidence because we validated our growing world views as we talked over our growing insights.

Diane was the smartest and prettiest girl I knew and we stuck up for each other when one of us felt slighted or misunderstood by a classmate or a teacher. I never knew what it was to have a "fight" with my best friend. We always just argued out our differences.

Our diverging interests brought many new friends into our lives, and we didn't socialize much in our adult lives. I somehow always thought that there would be time for building new chapters on our friendship.I was wrong and I miss her.

Diane lived her life with integrity, enthusiasm, and love. I will always feel grateful that I was allowed to share in her life as we grew up.

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