Janet (Jan) passed away on October 29, 2021 in Mesa, Arizona. Her family wrote, " We lost our beautiful wife, mother, GramE and friend, Jan Edson, on Friday, October 29, 2021. She passed doing what she loved best, playing tennis, from a major heart attack."
I met Janet in the summer after 3rd grade when she moved in up the street from me in Northbridge. We were neighborhood friends and school friends through Gallinas School, Santa Venetia Junior High School and TLHS. Jan, Chris Arnsbarger, Cheryl Brown, Dee Williams and I carpooled to TLHS everyday throughout high school. Rest in peace, old friend.
The picture below is of our high school carpool taken at the 40th reunion.
I met Janet in the 6th grade but we really became good friends in high school. I visited her a lot at Chico State and those were great times. Our families were very close and we had a deep connection with the Parked kids. Although our lives took us in different directions, we stayed close. When she moved to Arizona, I saw her more often because I have family there. Whenever we met, it was just like we never left. I miss Janet and our long friendship. Rest in peace my dear friend.
Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)
I met Janet in the summer after 3rd grade when she moved in up the street from me in Northbridge. We were neighborhood friends and school friends through Gallinas School, Santa Venetia Junior High School and TLHS. Jan, Chris Arnsbarger, Cheryl Brown, Dee Williams and I carpooled to TLHS everyday throughout high school. Rest in peace, old friend.
The picture below is of our high school carpool taken at the 40th reunion.
Blair Wardlaw (Hunt)
Christine Arnsbarger (Eisenberg)
I met Janet in the 6th grade but we really became good friends in high school. I visited her a lot at Chico State and those were great times. Our families were very close and we had a deep connection with the Parked kids. Although our lives took us in different directions, we stayed close. When she moved to Arizona, I saw her more often because I have family there. Whenever we met, it was just like we never left. I miss Janet and our long friendship. Rest in peace my dear friend.